CategoryChristian Life

“Too Many Mind”: Finding Focus for Divided Minds


A scene from the 2003 movie The Last Samurai has stuck with me for all these years. It often comes to mind when my mind is unsettled and struggling to find peace due to a variety of external and internal factors. In the scene, Algren, a decorated American war hero, is participating in a practice sword fight to test his newly developed skills. It is not going well for him and he continues to find...

Yet Another Monday…


Weekends are the best! Who doesn’t love a good weekend?! As the rock band Loverboy so famously sang back in 1981, “Everybody’s working for the weekend!” We persevere through the day to day grind of the workweek with a growing sense of expectation as we make our way towards days of recreation, relaxation, and restoration. Weekends, even with the insanity of Sunday, are awesome! As a pastor...

Do It Again (Back to Church)


Several weeks ago, I had to visit the doctor for a biennial physical to maintain certifications on my driver’s license. Let’s be honest, even in the best of circumstances, medical physicals are not experiences that most of us enjoy. They are exercises in humility as we get up close and personal with various medical professionals. You walk into the doctor’s office embracing the awkwardness that is...



Whether or not you are a “dog person,” it is very likely you have seen the head tilt. If you haven’t experienced it in real-time, it’s more than probable that you’ve observed it through the lens of pop culture via memes, movies, or social media posts. When a person begins talking to a dog, the animal will often fix its eyes on the speaker and tilt its head slightly to one side. We generally...

But, Did You Die? (Grace to Give)


There are few things that will develop faith and test patience like having a new teenaged driver in your house. Putting a student driver in the captain’s chair and taking the passenger’s seat is a demonstration of faith in them that often develops faith in God. The second your car pulls onto the road with your precious cherub driving, your prayer life immediately and drastically improves! Even...

Authenticity: Being and Becoming


I was a big fan of professional wrestling growing up. By God’s good grace, I experienced the golden age of what was then known as the World Wrestling Federation. Many of the personalities in the WWF at that time were able to parlay their popularity in the ring into more mainstream entertainment opportunities. Guys like Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and the Macho Man Randy Savage all became...

Let the Light Shine In


Out in front of my house, there is a streetlight. A few years ago, whoever is charged with the upkeep of said streetlight installed a new light bulb. I don’t know the wattage on the new light bulb, but the company that produced that particular light bulb deserves some sort of award (a medal, a cookie, a cuddle… something). They have functionally harnessed the light of the sun itself! It is, quite...

Nothing to Prove (Stay on the Porch)


I saw a very intriguing image while taking my evening scroll through the internet last night. The image was an old, grainy, sepia-colored photograph. In the foreground, there are four greyhound dogs coming out of the starting gates for a race. In the background, still laying down in its gate, looking exceptionally disinterested in the race unfolding before it, is a cheetah. A quick Google search...

The Worth in Waiting


The Myers family is fond of venison. Unfortunately, the local grocery stores don’t tend to keep deer meat in stock. Therefore, if we are going to eat it, someone in the Myers family will be required to venture out into the great outdoors to harvest an animal. There was a period of my life, be it ever so brief, when I went hunting with a reasonable amount of regularity during hunting season. You...

Spin It Until You See It: Finding God’s Presence in the Everyday and Ordinary


Brother Lawrence was a Carmelite monk at a monastery in Paris in the late 1600’s. Most of what we know about him comes through a small, if not timeless, book entitled The Practice of the Presence of God. As I have noted before, this small book had a profound impact on my life several years back, and continues to influence me to this day. The overarching principle of the book, the principle that...

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Jeremy Myers

Jeremy Myers is the Lead Pastor of First Baptist Church of Seymour, Indiana, where he has served since 2017. He has over 20 years of ministry experience in the local church and not-for-profit work. He has a passion for helping emerging and existing generations learn to make space for each other and caring for the under-served and marginalized. In 2016, he earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Palmer Theological Seminary, with his thesis focusing on helping youth and senior adults develop deeper relationships. He is a passionate and gifted communicator and is regularly invited to speak at retreats, camps, conferences, and other events. He lives in Seymour, Indiana with his wife Robyn, their two children, Mikayla and JJ, and their Golden Doodle, Evie.

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