The Myers family is fond of venison. Unfortunately, the local grocery stores don’t tend to keep deer meat in stock. Therefore, if we are going to eat it, someone in the Myers family will be required to venture out into the great outdoors to harvest an animal. There was a period of my life, be it ever so brief, when I went hunting with a reasonable amount of regularity during hunting season. You...
Spin It Until You See It: Finding God’s Presence in the Everyday and Ordinary
Brother Lawrence was a Carmelite monk at a monastery in Paris in the late 1600’s. Most of what we know about him comes through a small, if not timeless, book entitled The Practice of the Presence of God. As I have noted before, this small book had a profound impact on my life several years back, and continues to influence me to this day. The overarching principle of the book, the principle that...
Can You See It?
Our son, JJ, just recently turned 15 years old. Like many young people of his age, his mind is consumed with the very quickly approaching, and seemingly unavoidable, eventuality of operating a motor vehicle. Unlike many of his peers, however, JJ is not all that interested in the latest and greatest shiny new cars that are rolling onto local car lots. As a matter of fact, JJ is rather unconcerned...
How In the World Did I Get Here? (Making Our Way to Life’s Mountaintops)
Have you ever had an experience where you found yourself asking, “How in the world did I get here? Why me?” I don’t think it’s too far of a stretch to assume that most of us, in one way or another, have had such experiences. I find such experiences are a common fixture when in the proverbial valleys as well as on the mountaintops. Failure and success have a way of stirring a sense of awareness...
The Struggle Is Real: Living and Learning With Change
As I was perusing the wide world of social media the other day, I came across a post from a coffee shop I enjoy in Huntington, West Virginia. In their post, they excitedly announced that they were on the verge of opening yet another location in the region. They provided several pictures to allow current and potential customers to preview their new location and hopefully to generate some...
Put the Sword Down: The Counter-Cultural Way of Grace
Right up until the moment Jesus ascended to Heaven, the disciples believed they were going to participate in a revolution. They, like most of their peers, believed that the promised Messiah/Christ would initiate the coming of God’s kingdom through force and overwhelming power. They believed they were going to help overthrow the evil forces of this world, which, at the time, was personified by the...
A Great Crowd of the Best Kind of Crazy: The Importance of Encouragers
When you think of spectator sports, cross country isn’t generally the first event that comes to mind. Most of us default to one of the big two of football and basketball. I mean no disrespect to other athletic events or those who participate in them, but football and basketball are the two events at which the band plays (marching or pep, respectively), cheerleaders cheer, and specific sections...
At Just the Right Time: Finding God in the Life’s Messy Moments
Iconic physicist, Albert Einstein, published his theory of special relativity in the early 1900s. Most of us have heard of this theory, but neither know or care what it says or means. I find myself leaning more towards the former than the latter. I don’t fully understand Einstein’s theory, and to be completely honest, don’t know that I have the intellectual capacity or attention span to do so...
UnDivided: Coming Back Together Again
The United States of America strikes me as somewhat of a misnomer these days. There have always been a variety of differences and points of divergence between portions of the population. Regional perspectives often caused a certain amount of variation in understanding and expectation. But, there did seem to exist a certain level of societal grace and cordiality that allowed us to foster a...
We Die a Little Every Day
I am dying… I was confronted with this difficult and startling truth on my first Sunday at First Baptist Church of Seymour. Dr. David Hinson, the interim pastor, preached the message that Sunday. I don’t remember all that he said, but he did catch my attention when he announced that every Sunday that I stood in the pulpit and preached to the fine people of FBC I would die a little, that there...
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