
Back to Business (Leave the Usual Behind)


To one degree or another, most of us tend to be creatures of habit. We all have daily routines and rhythms that we follow as we live our daily lives. I would be willing to venture an educated guess that your routines and rhythms have looked at least marginally different over the course of the past six to eight weeks. In reality, the events of recent weeks have been akin to the shifting of...

THAT Family Member


We all have THAT family member… Be honest. Before I provided even a single sentence of context for the previous statement, the image of someone from your family jumped into your mind. That’s because we all do, in fact, have THAT family member. The eccentric one who marches to the beat of their own drum. The uncontrollable rebel who refuses to follow the rules. The single black sheep (or more...

Two Sides to Every Pancake


Aaron Bartsch is the recently minted Director of Facilities and Maintenance at First Baptist Church, or as we like to call him around the office, the Minister of Maintenance. He has also served on our Deacon Board and plays bass guitar for our worship team. Most people at First Baptist are aware of these facts, but what you may not know is that Aaron is an actual, real-life Samurai. I’ve seen his...

Months of Mondays


I was greatly amused by a meme I recently saw while scrolling through Facebook. It was a simple white background with words over the top. It read, “We are 5 months into 2020 and it’s still January.” Though we have turned the page on the calendar and made our way into February, the slow slog still continues. My daughter made a profound assessment of the last month and change. As we prepared for...

Resetting the Standard


Social media provides us with an interesting tool for observing current social norms. When we create accounts and agree to the terms of service provided by these companies, we are afforded entry into a massive fishbowl of sorts. Anyone with access to a computerized device, which is literally everyone in our modern world, is able to watch as the insanity ensues. It is both entertaining and...

A Place and a Part to Play


  Over the years, I have developed quite the collection of nativity sets. For those unfamiliar with this term, the nativity is the depiction of the birth of Jesus. It is often referred to as the manger. These sets often contain the virgin Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, a donkey, an ox, some shepherds with sheep, wisemen/magi with their accompanying animals, and an angel or a star. These nativity...

Entertaining Angels


  Over the past eight years I have had the privilege of traveling to various parts of the nation of India several times. Each of my journeys to India have taken me to different portions of the country. This has allowed me to experience a wide range of the cultures, foods, and scenery the country has to offer. It is an incredibly diverse country with an amazing cornucopia of traditions...

Give It Time to Cook


Of all the marvels in modern technology, none is greater than the microwave oven! It has reduced the cooking time for a wide variety of foods dramatically. Many of us would be without hope for hot meals were it not for this precious gift of God. If I, Jeremy S Myers, am going to personally prepare food for human consumption, it will take place in a microwave a solid 90% of the time. I lack both...

Time to ACT


The word “ministry” conjures a whole host of images in the minds of people. I find it often gets reduced to a program of some sort, usually aimed at some specific demographic of our community. We have a children’s ministry, a youth ministry, Sunday school ministry, outreach ministry, etc. These are not necessarily ministries, though. They are avenues through which ministry can take place. I...

A Tale of Two Tables


For seven years I served as the Pastor of Youth and Christian Education at the First Baptist Church in St Albans, WV. Upon entering the building, you immediately come to a stairwell. Whether you take the stairs up or down, you will encounter a similar sight. You will find rooms with tables and chairs. In both cases, people will be seated around these tables, probably eating food, engaging in...

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Jeremy Myers

Jeremy Myers is the Lead Pastor of First Baptist Church of Seymour, Indiana, where he has served since 2017. He has over 20 years of ministry experience in the local church and not-for-profit work. He has a passion for helping emerging and existing generations learn to make space for each other and caring for the under-served and marginalized. In 2016, he earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Palmer Theological Seminary, with his thesis focusing on helping youth and senior adults develop deeper relationships. He is a passionate and gifted communicator and is regularly invited to speak at retreats, camps, conferences, and other events. He lives in Seymour, Indiana with his wife Robyn, their two children, Mikayla and JJ, and their Golden Doodle, Evie.

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