In the final moments of the crucifixion, Jesus calls out to the Father. We find His last words in Luke 23:46. It reads, “Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” I’ve always been struck by this interaction. To a great degree, it feels like the final moment of resignation before the ultimate victory of the resurrection. Christ had spent the better part of a...
Whether You See It Or Not
My son, JJ, is what you could very rightly call a car guy. He has been obsessed with vehicles for his whole life. As soon as he was able to walk, he was commandeering my daughter’s pink Barbie Jeep to race around our front yard. He began carefully considering the vehicle he wanted to get upon receiving his license long before he was able to drive one. He has participated in the rebuilding or...
Election Season: Have No Fear
The signs of the season are all around us. It is that time of year when people put on masks and costumes and pretend to be something they are not. They roam our streets seeking offerings of approval from those who live in the region. They promise tricks if they are not given the treats they desire. No, I’m not talking about Halloween and the many children who will parade around our community in...
Eating a Door to Enter Another
Sitting on my desk is a daily calendar. Across the top, it reads, “MENTAL FLOSS: AMAZING FACTS.” While it would be a stretch to call any of the tidbits of information “amazing,” they are usually at least mildly entertaining. For instance, before authoring the wildly popular Goosebumps series of children’s books, author R. L. Stine wrote the jokes found inside Bazooka bubble gum wrappers. Another...
Sweet or Sour: Life, Lemons, and Lemonade
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I’m not sure who first uttered these words, but it’s hard to deny the wisdom they communicate. Early and often are the times that life goes sideways on us. In those times, we must decide if we’ll let our circumstances make us sour, or if we’ll find a way to make something sweet and enjoyable out of it. In my own life, I’ve found that many of my best...
More Than YOU Can Handle
“God will never give you more than you can handle.” I can’t tell you how many times this phrase has been uttered to me throughout my life. My guess is you have heard or even used this phrase yourself at some point in time. The phrase undoubtedly comes from the right heart. The only problem is the message communicated is wrong. Even the most blessed of lives will have a fair share of moments that...
Calling to God (Seeing the Solution)
I recently heard a story that has continued to resonate in my heart and mind. The story, often told as a joke, is called the Parable of the Drowning Man. The story goes as follows… Torrential rains came upon a small town. As the rains came down the floods came up. Seeing the water rising, a local man began to call out to God for help. He prayed, “Lord, please save me!” Looking down the road, the...
Dealing with Doubt
Mark 9:14-29 contains one of my favorite examples of faith in the Bible. This passage tells the story of a desperate father trying to get some help for his son. For years, this man’s son had dealt with “a spirit” that had made the boy mute, caused him to have seizures, and had often put the boy in mortal danger. We don’t know exactly how long this poor man had been forced to watch the suffering...
The Mondayest of Mondays: Turn to Jesus
Today is the most Mondayest Monday of the year. Mondays are notoriously difficult days of the week. There are the noteworthy exceptions to the rule during holiday weeks on which Mondays serve as functional extensions of the weekend. But, on most occasions, Mondays serve as the reentry point to the grind of the working week. To borrow a biblical parlance, it is a day of great “mourning and...
The Boogeyman: Distractions in the Darkness
It was a dark and stormy night. Rain beat against the window, the wind shook the house, and periodic bolts of lightning faintly and briefly illuminated the bedroom. In the bed at the center of the room lay a young boy with only his frightened eyes peeking out from under the covers. With every flash of light his eyes search the room with full certainty that, particularly on a night like this, evil...
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