This week’s blog is a guest post by Nathan Parker, Pastor of Worship and Media at FBC Seymour We have a saying in the world of music and audio recording that is represented by the acronym “GIRATS”—Get It Right At The Source. It’s a mantra that music producers and recording engineers keep in mind throughout a session, a reminder that the quality of a recorded song is only as good...
Ears to Hear and Eyes to See?
The human mind is an interesting machine. It is capable of receiving, storing, and utilizing amazing amounts of information. The potential our minds possess is seemingly infinite. This makes it all the more frustrating and embarrassing when our minds fail to function appropriately with the most basic of tasks: looking and listening. We have all had those moments when the information is coming in...
Is It True? (The Trouble with Memes)
Biologist Dr. Richard Dawkins is credited with coining the term “meme” in his 1976 book, The Selfish Gene. The word is derived from the Greek word mimema, which means “to imitate.” Dr. Dawkins chose this word because it sounds similar to the word gene. He created it to describe how genes reproduce by passing information from one organism to another. In the book, Dawkins goes on to explain how...
Sinking to the Depths (In Need of a Helping Hand)
When I was a little boy, I almost drowned. And I must confess, IT WAS MY FAULT! My family was attending a party at the house of some friends. In their back yard, they had a swimming pool. It was an in-ground pool with a clearly demarcated boundary to separate the shallow end and the deep end of the pool. I don’t remember how old I was at the time, but I clearly remember that I couldn’t swim. I...
Discerning the Difference: A Fly in the Soup or A Rodent in the Oven
I recently started a Sunday sermon with two stories that sat in juxtaposition to one another. The first story was an old, corny joke, the second story comes from a personal experience, and both involve food. The intent was to create contrast to help us evaluate the true severity of the situations and struggles we face in our lives. I’d like to share those stories again. It is all too easy for us...
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