There are few statements from Jesus that we struggle with more than His challenges concerning how we deal with enemies. Jesus makes some incredibly uncomfortable and wildly unpopular asks. Even today, when I reference these verses of Scripture, I invariably will be hit with a chorus of “Yeah, but…” in the moments and days that follow. What Jesus is asking isn’t hard to understand; it’s difficult...
Get It Right at the Source
This week’s blog is a guest post by Nathan Parker, Pastor of Worship and Media at FBC Seymour We have a saying in the world of music and audio recording that is represented by the acronym “GIRATS”—Get It Right At The Source. It’s a mantra that music producers and recording engineers keep in mind throughout a session, a reminder that the quality of a recorded song is only as good...
Knowledge is Potential
There are few things that we love more in the information age than being well-informed, or at least believing we are well-informed. In theory, the advent of the internet and a plethora of digital devices have put a veritable treasure trove of information at our fingertips, all the time. The ubiquity of our access and our proclivity to act upon it has forced us to create new words to describe the...
The Church: More Than A Building
When one thinks of the church, a wide range of thoughts and pictures probably flood the mind. Somewhere early in that deluge is probably the image of an actual church building. Perhaps it was the church you or a beloved family member attended when you were growing up. Maybe it was the location where an important, life-shaping event took place. Or, it could be that it was or is just a prominent...
What Song Does Your Life Sing?
You may not be familiar with the term leitmotif, but you are undoubtedly familiar with many of them. If you’ve watched any movies or television shows in the last 30 years, you’ve heard more than a few leitmotifs and probably have some personal favorites. A leitmotif is a short, repeating musical phrase associated with a person, setting, emotion, or theme. We might simply think of them as theme...
Sinking to the Depths (In Need of a Helping Hand)
When I was a little boy, I almost drowned. And I must confess, IT WAS MY FAULT! My family was attending a party at the house of some friends. In their back yard, they had a swimming pool. It was an in-ground pool with a clearly demarcated boundary to separate the shallow end and the deep end of the pool. I don’t remember how old I was at the time, but I clearly remember that I couldn’t swim. I...
Are We There Yet?
Summer is a busy season in ministry. Over the course of the 8 to 10 weeks of summer, camps, conferences, and mission organizations provide numerous opportunities for service and encouragement for people of all ages. While it is a very exciting time, it is also a very exhausting season. By the time you insert a vacation or a weekend away, the summer is spent and you often find yourself needing a...
Dear Diary: In Search of Meaning
Have you ever taken the time to read Ecclesiastes? It’s in the Old Testament right after Psalms and Proverbs. It isn’t exactly one of those books that we go running to for encouraging reading material. It does contain a few passages with which many of us would be familiar, though. Allow me to provide a few examples… Ecclesiastes 1:2 reads, “Meaningless! Meaningless!’ says the Teacher...
One Life to Share: How 1+1+1 Makes More Than 3
I met Mr. Jim Cox sometime in 2005. As I reflect back, I can still see his face. His eyes were always filled with compassion and joy and he had a wildly contagious, if not a little mischievous, smile that could light up a room. I’m not 100% sure what the first words he spoke to me were, but I’m fairly certain that our first conversation after I joined the pastoral staff at the church he...
Small Sparks and Scorched Earth
A simple claw hammer, a two foot metal stake, and a yellow jacket nest… On first glance, this could be the start of a really bad joke. And, just like a really bad joke, there’s nothing funny about where this story goes. In late summer of 2018, the third largest Californian wildfire was set ablaze as a result of these simple items. One article about the fire explains, “California’s largest...
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